Seventy years ago, Brillouin theorized that light could be diffracted by an acoustic wave (1). This prediction was based on the fact that when an acoustic wave is propagated in a transparent material, it produces a periodic modulation of the index of refraction. The perturbation in the refractive index arises from the change in the number density of the acoustic medium induced by the compression and rarefaction of the traveling sound wave. As a consequence, the propagating acoustic wave produces a moving grating that will diffract portions of an incident light beam.This sound-light interaction phenomenon, which is called the acousto-optic interaction, was initially observed by Debye and Sears in 1932 (2). Early studies were limited to interactions of low-frequency acoustic waves with incoherent light sources in liquids and gases. As a result, the phenomenon had an impact primarily on the academic community; experimental results provided a basic understanding of the thermal and acoustic properties of liquids and gases.The first applications of the acousto-optic interaction did not appear until the 1960s. Since then, significant scientific and technological advances have occurred in optics, elec-INSTRUMENTATION