Los Alamos National Laboratory,an affirmativeaction/equalopfx_rtunifyempk:_yer, is operatlKtby the Universityof California forthe U.S. Department of Energy undercontractW-7405-ENG-36. Byacceptanceofthisarticle, the publisherrecognizesthatthe U.S. Governmentretains a nonexclusivs, royalty.freelicenseto publishor re_'oduce the publishedform of thiscontribution,or to allow others todo so, forU.S. Governmentpurposes. The Los Alamos National Laboratory requeststhat the publisher identifythis articleas workperformedunderthe auspicesof the U.S. Del_rtment of Energy. 1_'/ FormNo S36R5 _I_gflW_tlTIOI'; [}g "rBl,_I]O_I_M.F.NT I,_IJNLIMITB sr_o_ L Statistics of time averaged atmospheric scintillation