Wavelet analysisfor ltering and system identi cation is used to improve the estimation of aeroservoelastic (ASE) stability margins.Computationof robust stability margins for stability boundaryprediction depends on uncertainty descriptions derived from the test data for model validation. Nonideal test conditions, data acquisition errors, and signal processing algorithms cause uncertainty descriptions to be intrinsically conservative. The conservatism of the robust stability margins is reduced with parametric and nonparametric time-frequency analysis of ight data in the model validation process. Nonparametric wavelet processing of data is used to reduce the effects of external disturbances and unmodeled dynamics. Parametric estimates of modal stability are also extracted using the wavelet transform. F-18 High Alpha Research Vehicle ASE ight test data are used to demonstrate improved robust stability prediction by extension of the stability boundary from within the ight envelope to conditions suf cently beyond the actual ight regime. Stability within the ight envelope is con rmed by ight test. Practical aspects and guidelines for ef ciency of these procedures are presented for on-line implementation. Nomenclature a, a i = wavelet scale, indexed scale values (dimensionless) F.P; 1/ = feedback interconnection structure g = wavelet basis function K = feedback control system P.s/; O P.s/ = Laplace transform of system plant, estimate W add ; W in ; W ns = weightings on 1 add , 1 in , noise W g = continuous wavelet transform with basis g X .¿; !/; O X.¿; !/ = wavelet-transformed signal, ltered signal X .!/; O X .!/ = frequency-domain signal, estimate x.t /; O x.t / = time-domain signal, ltered signal 0 = robust stability margin 1; O 1 = uncertainty operator, estimate ± N q = uncertainty in ight condition = damping ratio ¹ = structured singular value ¿ = wavelet translation time Á.t /; Á 0 = signal phase, constant phase lag ! d ; ! n = modal damped and natural frequency ! 0 = wavelet peak frequency