We present a novel approach to optical mammography and initial clinical results. We have designed and developed a frequency-domain (110-MHz) optical scanner that performs a transillumination raster scan of the female breast in approximately 3 min. The probing light is a dualwavelength (690 and 810 nm, 10-mW average power), 2-mmdiameter laser beam, and the detection optical fiber is 5 mm in diameter. The ac amplitude and phase data are processed with use of an algorithm that performs edge effect corrections, thereby enhancing image contrast. This contrast enhancement results in a greater tumor detectability compared with simple light intensity images. The optical mammograms are displayed on a computer screen in real time. We present x-ray and optical mammograms from two patients with breast tumors. Our initial clinical results show that the frequencydomain scanner, even at the present stage of development, has the potential to be a useful tool in mammography.As the number-one killer of women, breast cancer annually fells more than 44,000 women in the United States alone.