In this paper, we report a high performance, highly uniform, and highly reliable VCSEL platform at LuxNet Corporation. The proprietary design of this VCSEL gives it oxide VCSEL-like performance and an implant VCSEL-like reliability. Threshold currents are between 1 .0 to 2.5 mA, and the slope efficiencies are between 0.3 to 0.5W/A. The threshold current change with temperature is minimal and the slope efficiency change less than '-30% when the substrate temperature is raised from 25°C to 90°C. The eye diagram of LuxNet TOSA operating at 2.5 GB/s with 6mA bias and 10dB extinction ratio shows very clean eye with jitter less than 3Ops. We have accumulated life test data up to 5000 hours at 100°C/2OmA with exceptional reliability. And the WHTOL (85/85) bias at 8mA has passed over 3000 hours. In addition, the overall yield across a 3 inch wafer is over 90%. The chips are now being shipped in commercial quantities. Finally, we will present our preliminary results of 10 Gb/s VCSEL.