The Non-Scanning Computed Tomography Imaging Spectropolarimeter (NS-CTISP) is a novel imaging spectropolarimeter developed for snapshot imaging and collection of the four Stokes hyper-cubes. The patent pending NS-CTISP builds upon the computed tomography concepts proven in earlier imaging spectrometers and imaging spectropolarimeters by utilizing a combination of two-dimensional spectral dispersion and division of aperture polarization analysis to acquire all data necessary to estimate the Stokes hyper-cubes without scanning in spatial, spectral or polarimetric dimensions. A custom quadrant polarization analyzer and tetrahedron prism are used in tandem to perform aperture division and polarization analysis on each of the four pupils. Equations are developed which link the computed tomography spectral reconstruction and polarimetric calibration allowing the determination of Stokes vectors at each waveband. NS-CTISP is spectrally and polarimetrically calibrated by measuring the system's spectral and polarimetric response to a radiating object having a small spatial extent, limited spectral bandwidth and a pure polarization state using a monochromator, fiber and polarization state generator. Iterative techniques are used to solve a linear imaging equation, where the solution provides input into the polarization calibration. Preliminary estimates of calibration fundamental accuracy indicates the average Stokes parameter error for central wavebands is on the order of 1.4-1.8 percent. A simple pseudo-object is created using two different fiber images each having a different polarization and reconstructed with average Stokes parameter error ranging from 0.7% to 3.2%. A suite of data acquisition, reconstruction and display programs have been developed in Interactive Data Language (IDL) to support NS-CTISP development.
INTRODUCTIONImaging spectropolarimeters have been developed and are employed in several fields, including geology, where they are used in remote sensing to locate and identify Al, Cu, Fe, Pb and quartz based on their polarized reflection spectrum 1,2 . Conservationists have used imaging spectropolarimeters to map polarized solar reflection from water to aid in the delineation of wetlands 3,4 . However, the overwhelming majority of imaging spectropolarimeters are dedicated to astronomy, where they are found in traditional settings such as telescope based instruments 5,6,7 , and in more exotic locations such as airborne 1,8 , rocket-borne 9 , and satellite 8 platforms. Mapping polarization helps astronomers decipher which physical processes created the observed light. For instance, imaging spectropolarimeters are used to locate linearly and circularly polarized atomic transitions split by the Zeeman effect induced by the large magnetic fields present in nebulae and the corona of stars 10 . Astronomers also use imaging spectropolarimeters to study clouds 11 on our planet as well as others. In fact, the polarization phenomena recorded by imaging spectropolarimeters are of such interest to astronomers that at le...