Abstract. The virtual cockpit application aims to perform ergonomics studies on future aircraft cockpits, directly from digital mock-ups. This is made possible by immersing a user in a digital
IntroductionFor years, the production process has tended to decrease the time to market in the aircraft industry. Concurrent engineering gives powerful opportunities for conception and production of aircraft cockpits. It is largely based on digital mock-ups ͑DMU͒, as they enable communication between numerous professionals working on the project. A DMU is a numerical version of a product containing all the information relative to it. It is easy to upgrade and to adapt. This enables to follow a product all along its life cycle. A physical mock-up ͑PMU͒ is a physical version of a product, containing part of the information relative to it, at a given time, and then does not permit following the product during its life cycle. Design processes based on DMU allow savings of time and money by decreasing the number of PMU. However, it is difficult to take into account human factors within DMU, because human-product interactions are not well taken into consideration in DMU. That is why PMU are often used for human factors studies. A good alternative to PMU are virtual mock-ups ͑VMU͒. They are based on DMU and enable immersion and interaction within a virtual representation of the product. Thus, they allow us to evaluate concepts and detect issues linked to the ergonomics or