Rovers, ultimate automobile for the investigation of the nearby planetary group, are capable of assisting researchers in their exploration as well as the breakdown of the formation of Mars. In this research, we are proposing a model of wanderer which is fit for self-adjusting to various landscapes along with environments with the end goal of fruitful investigation. In addition, it is designed to make a trip to various zones, gather earth samples, measure pH, compute weight, screen different states of weather such as warmth, dampness and wind velocity, sense the formation of toxic gas, and not to mention conduct rescue mission. Notably, the wheels are constructed using buoyant substances like polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Moreover, a unique suspension framework is designed on the basis of the modified rocker-bogie system to make the wanderer adaptive to the uneven surface of Mars. Besides, a global positioning system (GPS) is incorporated with the vehicle so that its movement can be tracked and the prototype can roam autonomously. In other words, the rover is capable of conducting self-sustained exploration even if the condition is inhospitable. Another key point is that the proposed prototype is more cost-effective than the existing ones which have already been reported in the literature. As a result, the suggested model may have a decent potential not only in space exploration but also in the quest of life on Mars.