Buffet-induced vibrations can have a disastrous impact on aircraft structures.Early attempts at combating buffet vibrations included passive methods such as structural enhancements and leading edge fences used to minimize the strength of vortices.Active methods, however, have shown greater promise, including active airflow control, control surface modulation, and control systems employing piezoelectric actuators, the later drawing much attention in recent years. Piezoelectric actuators, when mounted to the surface of the affected structure, impart directional strain reducing the negative effects associated with harmful vibration. The Block-15 F-16 ventral fin represents an aircraft structure prone to failure when subjected to the buffet field from the wake of a Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night (LANTIRN) pod. However, ventral fin failures pose relatively little risk to the pilot or the aircraft within the nominal F-16 flight envelope, highlighting its potential as a platform for further investigation into the effectiveness of piezoelectric actuators. This research takes advantage of the susceptibility to buffet vibration of the Block 15 ventral fin as the subject of an effort to design an active control system to alleviate vibrations using piezoelectric actuators and sensors and to demonstrate its capability during flight test. The research was sponsored by the United States Air Force (USAF) Test Pilot School (TPS).The development of an active control system began with the specification of piezoelectric actuators and sensors to be used in a collocated design to alleviate the vibrations of the first two modes of the ventral fin. A switching amplifier was designed and custom built to drive the actuators during all phases of testing. For the piezoelectric actuators to be effective, they needed to be located within the regions of highest strain energy and aligned with the principal strain vectors in those regions, the direction of principle strain was experimentally determined to ensure the proper iv orientation of the piezoelectric hardware on the ventral fin's surface. Two control techniques were used in this research: positive position feedback and Linear Quadratic Gaussian compensator. Both algorithms were developed and optimized during laboratory simulations and bench testing with system hardware where as much as 15 dB peak magnitude reduction was achieved in the ventral fin mode 1, 2, and 3 response.The positive position feedback algorithms were implemented during aircraft ground and flight testing at the USAF TPS, Edwards Air Force Base, California. Ground testing showed as much as 14 dB and 8 dB peak magnitude reduction in the mode 2 and mode 3 response, respectively. As much as 4 dB peak magnitude reduction was recorded in the mode 2 response during flight testing proving the potential of piezoelectric actuators in a buffet alleviation system. Still, there exists many design considerations, such as piezoelectric actuator and sensor configuration, that could lead to system improvement. v