“…By considering the calculated relative average values ( ) of the integral energy gravitational influences (corresponding to the time duration MOON /2 of the maximal integral energy gravitational influence of the Moon on the Earth) on the Earth of the planets of the Solar System and the Moon [12,25]: (Moon, second approximation) = 13.0693 (for the Moon), (2) = 4.5342 (for Venus), (5) = 2.3182 (for Jupiter), (1) = 0.2547 (for Mercury), (4) = 0.0999 (for Mars), (6) = 0.0809 (for Saturn), (7) = 0.001066 (for Uranus), (8) = 0.0002594 (for Neptune), and (9) = 1.1671 ⋅ 10 −8 (for Pluto), we established [25] the exceptional predominant significance of the cosmic energy gravitational influence of the Moon (along with the established [12] minor significance of Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury) as the predominant cosmic trigger mechanism of discharge (on the final stage of the preparation of the earthquakes) of the accumulated potential energy (in the focal region of earthquakes) supplying of the cosmic gravitational energy influences of the planets of the Solar System and the Moon. The considered results of Sections 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 have demonstrated the cosmic energy gravitational genesis (related to the combined nonstationary cosmic energy gravitational influence of the planets of the Solar System, the Sun, and the Moon) of the following correlated geophysical phenomena: the small oscillations [2] of the boundary of the Pacific Ocean (i.e., the seismic zone of the Pacific Ring); the small oscillatory motion of the rigid kernel of the Earth relative to the fluid kernel of the Earth [51]; the Chandler's wobble of the Earth's pole; the oscillations [42], rotations, and deformations [1,2] of the geoblocks weakly coupled with the surrounding plastic layers in all seismic zones of the Earth; the formation of the planetary fractures related to the strong earthquakes [1, 3-5, 9, 10, 23] and the planetary cataclysms [25,26].…”