The optical pattern recognition is performed traditionally on the base of the Fourier transform of images and their following matched filtration. However this recognition is not invariant to the orientation and scale changes of images. This problem can be solved due to the Fresnel transform perhaps.According to the van Zittert-Zernike theorem the certain equivalent coherent field with wave length A. and complex envelope E (s) exp[iiu J s 2 1(r) exp(-i2rtsr/A.z) d2 r corresponds to the two-dimension intensity distribution 1(r) of any image in the distant Fraunhofer zone (Z >> I s r J ). The shape of this envelope is statistically described by its Fresnel phase portrait (PP) w[F,G] , where FffReh(s,r)I(r)d2 r, G=fjlmh(s,r)I(r)d2 r, and h(s,r) = exp(itIs-r2/21) is the Fresnel function. The Fresnel PP w[F,G] is fully invariant to position and orientation image 1(r) changes. Hence it is need to standardize the F and G values by the energy ff 1(r) d2 r of the image for the PP scale invariance.This is the subject of the present paper.
THE COMPLEX COHERENCE DEGREE, VAN ZITTERT-ZERNIKE THEOREM AND IMAGE FOURIER TRANSFORMAs it is known, the coherence degree 12 • for two points P1 ( ,,) and P2 12 ) of