Content 1. IntroduCtIon (193) 2. SubStantIatIon of the approaCh for determInatIon of the deep SurfaCe (195) 3. experImental InveStIgatIonS of SoIl Cover (197) 3.1. prerequISIteS for ConduCtIng experImental StudIeS (197) 3.2. experIment to meaSure the "varIety" of the moISture Content at dIfferent depthS of the upper SoIl layer (198) 3.3. "varIety" of the SubSurfaCe layer of the earth'S SurfaCe (199) 4. ConStruCtIon of the depth profIle of "effeCtIve" humIdIty by reSultS of multIfrequenCy radar loCatIon (202) 5. experImental reSultS (204) 5.1. buIldIng an effeCtIve moISture profIle from depth (204) 5.2. analySIS of the obtaIned InterpretatIon reSultS (205) 6. ConCluSIon (206) referenCeS (206) Abstract: The review of studies on subsurface sensing topsoil radar method is presented, as well as on the development of an algorithm and techniques for combined interpretation of radar images using side-scan radar systems with a synthesized antenna operating over a wide range of wavelengths, including decimeter and meter bands. A method for constructing a deep profile of the "effective" moisture of the upper layer of the earth's surface is proposed. Ground experiments were conducted to determine the characteristics of the " diversity " of moisture and soil cover heterogeneities. The special attention was focused to using of ground penetrating radar for investigations of upper ground layer heterogeneities. The ground experiments were dictated by the need to justify the proposed algorithm for deep sounding of agricultural fields in the winter period at a low temperature with the help a synthetic antenna radar. Keywords: synthetic antenna radar, ground penetrating radar, subsurface sensing, deep profile of the "effective" moisture, the "variety" of soil cover.