ABSTRACTmA fiber optic sensor capable of measuring two independent components of transverse strain is described. The sensor consists of a single Bragg grating written into highbirefringent, polarization-maintaining optical fiber. When light from a broadband source is used to illuminate the sensor, the spectra of light reflected from the Bragg grating contain two peaks corresponding to the two orthogonal polarization modes of the fiber. Two independent components of transverse strain in the core of the fiber can be computed from the changes in wavelength of the two peaks if axial strain and temperature changes in the fiber are zero or known. Experiments were performed to determine the response of the sensor by loading an uncoated sensor in diametral compression over a range of fiber orientations relative to the loading. The results of these experiments were used with a finite element model to determine a calibration matrix relating the transverse strain in the sensor to the wavelength shifts of the Bragg peaks. The performance of the sensor was then verified by measuring the transverse strains produced by loading the fiber in a V-groove fixture.KEY WORDSmBragg grating, fiber optic sensor, transverse strain, polarization-maintaining filter Fiber optic sensors can be embedded in polymer-matrix composites and other materials to measure internal strain, temperature and other parameters. These small, highly responsive sensors have been demonstrated in many applications, including manufacturing process monitoring, impact and damage detection and structural health monitoring.1 Fiber optic strain sensors have been the focus of increasing attention as a potentially low-cost, nondestructive means of determining the internal strains and stresses in a material.A schematic of an embedded fiber optic strain sensor is shown in Fig. 1. The axes xl-x2-x3 form the basis for the fiber coordinate system, where Xl is parallel to the axial direction of the fiber and the transverse directions (x2 and x3) are located in the plane of the cross section of the fiber. An embedded sensor may be subjected to an arbitrary strain field, ~, consisting of six components, 8i (i = 1 ..... 6), where the components of strain are presented in contracted notation Original manuscript submitted. " January 14, 1998. Final manuscript received: January 19, 1999 within the fiber; however, in this paper, the terms ei will refer to the average strains in the core of the fiber.Most fiber optic strain sensors are capable of measuring only the axial component of strain in the fiber (e 1). In embedded applications, it is often desirable to measure components of strain transverse to the optical fiber for several reasons. First, for stress measurements, the state of stress within a material will be a function of the complete state of strain, and cannot be computed from a single axial strain measurement. Several individual fiber optic sensors, oriented in different directions, would be required to determine the complete state of strain in these applications.2 A larg...