Review of current and emerging methods of holography and speckle metrology is given. The prospects of advanced holographic research in microgravity conditions in the 21st century are analysed. Novel holographic rapid access system (RAS) is presented. It is very simple, compact, portable and user-friendly. Holographic RAS is elegantly devised and requires minimal hardware. The unique feature of holographic RAS enable the possibility to work in real time in situ. For the first time it is possible to obtain holograms, holographic interferogams and specklegrams outdoors in any brightly lit environment, including sunlit environments. The innovative holographic RAS suits ideally for monitoring of various physical processes, studying of vibrations and static deformations, testing of microelectronics and MEMS in microgravity aboard the International Space Station. The hardware is so simple that it can be operated by an astronaut having practically no skill in optics. Ultra high resolution silver halide media are used in this RAS. The unique features of holographic RAS enable the possibility to avoid any liquid baths for photoprocessing of the medium and to work in real time in situ. One of the early variants of holographic RAS invented by this author was used to obtain the first ever holograms and holographic interferograms of different physical phenomena aboard navigating spacecraft.Key words: holographic research in space missions; research aboard the International Space Station; innovative spacecraft-based research technologies; holographic rapid access system (RAS); real time holography and holographic interferometry in microgravity; in situ bathless holography; advanced holography in brightly lit environments.