As part of an ongoing captive flight test demonstration project at the Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC), China Lake, CA, two Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) algorithms were implemented in hardware, integrated with the second in a series of ladar sensors, and flown aboard a T-39 aircraft against both fixed and stationary mobile target sites on the ranges of the Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS), also at China Lake, CA. The first ATR algorithm was developed to recognize fixed targets and to select aim-points with a performance goal of a five pixel Circular Error Probability (CEP.) The second ATR algorithm was developed to detect stationary mobile targets, such as tanks and trucks. The performance goal for this algorithm was to achieve 90% probability of detection. Both of these algorithms operate by exploiting the very accurate 3D geometry provided by the ladar. This paper describes the 1999 and 2000 captive flight tests involving these two algorithms, including the flight tests themselves, the hardware implementations, and the resulting ATR performance. Additionally, the large ladar data set, collected during twenty-four two-hour flights, will be briefly described.