This paper presents an effective two-step scheme for automatic object detection in computed radiography (CR) images. First, various structure elements of the morphological filters, designed by incorporating available morphological features of the objects of interest including their sizes and rough shape descriptions, are used to effectively distinguish the foreign object candidates from the complex background structures. Second, since the boundaries of the objects are the key features in reflecting object characteristics, active contour models are employed to accurately outline the morphological shapes of the suspicious foreign objects to further reduce the rate of false alarms. The actual detection scheme is accomplished by jointly using these two steps. The proposed methods are tested with a database of 50 hand-wrist computed radiographic images containing various types of foreign objects. Our experimental results demonstrate that the combined use of morphological filters and active contour models can provide an effective automatic detection of foreign objects in CR images achieving good sensitivity and specificity, and the accurate descriptions of the object morphological characteristics.