OYI'ASSOCJATES, A VON, CONNECTICUT 0600] 1.0 iNTRODUCTION Optical fiber sensor technology based on intra-core Bragg gratings has been used in a number of important application areas ranging from structural monitoring to chemical sensing. Practical and cost effective systems are not far in the future judging from advances in grating manufacture and sensor readout instrumentation. Fiber grating technology is not driven by its use in sensors but rather by valuable applications in dense, broadband WDM telecommunications.In this paper, we review the fundamentals of Bragg grating sensors and discuss various means for wavelength-shift demodulation, separation of temperature and strain responses and new directions that will offer additional capabilities.
FUNDAMENTALS OF BRAGG GRATING SENSORSA fiber Bragg grating is a periodic, refractive index perturbation which is formed in the core of an optical fiber by exposure to an intense IN interference pattern. The grating can be made by using a split-beam mterferometer [1] or a phase mask to form the fringes [2]. The latter technique is sometimes preferred because of the greatly relaxed requirements on the UV laser coherence and stability; although the mterferometer technique is more flexible, since the grating period can be adjusted by simply changing the angle between beams. A uniform pattern phase mask will form a grating with a pitch that is one-half the period of the etch pattern. Each separate wavelength requires a different etch pattern, although some tuning is possible by stretching or bending the fiber in the fringe pattern.A typical interferometer setup for fabricating a grating is shown in Figure 1 . UV laser radiation, usually at 248 or 1 93 urn , is split into two beams, with an odd number of reflections to preserve beam parity, focused, and recombined to form a high contrast fringe pattern within the core of the fiber. The grating formation can be observed by monitoring the reflection or transmission of a broadband source, typically an ELED, SLED or a superlumenscent rare-earth doped fiber, which is launched into the fiber from one end. After a short time, usually within minutes or less, a notch appears in the transmitted spectrum, as shown in the optical spectrum analyzer trace in the upper left-hand corner of the figure. The exposure is stopped when the desired reflectivity is reached and then the grating is annealed to avoid any variations in wavelength due to thermal deactivation of low-energy color centers [3]. 2 ISPIE Vol. 2838 O-8194-2226-6/96/$6.QQ Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 06/23/2016 Terms of Use: http://spiedigitallibrary.org/ss/TermsOfUse.aspx