In spectroscopic investigations of biological samples the problem of separation and quantitative evaluation of spectra lines connected with various molecules is the most important one. The situation is especially significant for in vivo investigations. This paper presents the results of fluorescence spectra analysis of some photosensitizers measured in various tissues both in experimental and clinic conditions and autofluorescence spectra analysis of some human tissues. It is shown, that technique proposed allows one to evaluate the component concentrations including the in vivo measurements.
INTRODUCTION.The last 10 years investigations in the region of oncological diagnostics and photodynamic therapy showed their unrivaled advantages in comparison with another methods. This includes high sensibility and selectivity, reproducibility, non-invasivity, the possibility to work in monitoring mode and relatively low price. Especially it is important for multichannel photodetectors and laser fiber optic devices which allows one to analyze fluorescent, absorption and scattering spectra of biological tissue with time dependent optical properties.However the interpretation and qualitative evaluation of fluorescent and absorbing species in biological tissues often can be impossible because of strong spectra line overlapping. The aim of this work is to overcome this difficulty by means of specially developed software Lesasoft. The advantages of this program package and its exploitation in clinical investigations are described.
LESASOFT CAIABILITIESLesasoft is instrument independent program package for sophisticated spectra processing in medical applications. The program is written on C++ language and runs under Microsoft Windows environment. By the use of Lesasoft data obtained in data acquisition O-8194-1348-8/94/$6.OO