A small number of general visual attributes have been recognized as essential in describing image quality. These include micro-uniformity, macro-uniformity, colour rendition, text and line quality, gloss, sharpness, and spatial adjacency or temporal adjacency attributes. The multiple-part International Standard discussed here was initiated by the INCITS W1 committee on the standardization of office equipment to address the need for unambiguously documented procedures and methods, which are widely applicable over the multiple printing technologies employed in office applications, for the appearance-based evaluation of these visually significant image quality attributes of printed image quality. 1,2 The resulting proposed International Standard, for which ISO/IEC WD 19751-1 3 presents an overview and an outline of the overall procedure and common methods, is based on a proposal that was predicated on the idea that image quality could be described by a small set of broad-based attributes. 4 Five ad hoc teams were established (now six since a sharpness team is in the process of being formed) to generate standards for one or more of these image quality attributes. Updates on the colour rendition, text and line quality, and gloss attributes are provided.