Since the 1990s photogrammetry has been used in forensic medicine to help identifying perpetrators from crime scenes covered with surveillance video. Some case studies [1,2] have shown promising results measuring both heights and segment lengths. Photogrammetry is used with high precision when measuring clearly defined points but less is known about the reproducibility of hidden body-points. In this study we quantified the inter-and intra-observer variability of bodily measures with the software PhotoModeler® Pro in low resolution images. The study showed that the body height and shoulder height were reproducible within ± 1 cm and ± 2 cm respectively. The measurement error were markedly higher for all measurements between points hidden by clothes and measurements of segment lengths were only usable in the intra-observer situation when flexion in the joints were present. In the inter-observer study the measurement error was so high that few measurements could be used beside shoulder and body height. Measurements are suggested to be done with the perpetrator and suspect in the same pose.