Cryogenic temperatures are critical to allow infrared, gamma-ray and X-ray detectors to operate with low background noise and high sensitivity. As a result, the world's aerospace industry has long dreamed of having the means for multiyear cryogenic cooling in space to enable long-life sensors of various forms for scientific, missile defense, and reconnaissance observations. Not long after the first Sputnik was launched into space in October 1957, engineers and scientists were actively seeking means of providing cryogenic cooling for evermore sophisticated and sensitive detectors in a variety of spectral regions. Although both passive cryoradiators and stored cryogens have provided a source of cryogenic cooling for many missions, the consistent dream of scientists and mission planners was always for a mechanical refrigerator that could achieve the temperatures of the coldest cryogens (vastly colder than possible with passive radiators) and have multiyear life without the finite life limitations of stored cryogens. The first cryocoolers in space were short-life Joule-Thomson and Stirling cryocoolers flown on both US and USSR missions around 1970. Since that time, extensive research and development of evermore sophisticated cryocoolers (Stirling, Vuilleumier, Brayton, magnetic, sorption, and pulse tube) has taken place in the world's aerospace industry. This chapter examines the enormous progress made by the aerospace industry over the past 50 years in developing both cryostats and cryocoolers to enable the widespread use of cryogenic temperatures in space.