Although humorous language can bring joy to people, it is also easy to cause offense. Therefore, in order to effectively identify whether a sentence is humorous or offensive, the system needs to obtain abundant semantic information. This article introduces the submission of subtask 1 and subtask 2 that we participate in SemEval-2021 Task 7: HaHackathon: Detecting and Rating Humor and Offense, we use a model based on ALBERT that uses ALBERT as the module for extracting text features. We modify the upper layer structure by adding specific networks to better summarize the semantic information. Finally, our system achieves an F-Score of 0.9348 in subtask 1a, RMSE of 0.7214 in subtask 1b, F-Score of 0.4603 in subtask 1c, and RMSE of 0.5204 in subtask 2.