To 'hold in-common' in the midst of clouds' drift 'There is no doubt that the skies are closing in. But we hold in-common the universal right to breathe'. Achielle Mbembé, The Universal Right to Breathe, 2020 This epigram from Achielle Mbembé's essay 'The Universal Right to Breathe', published in April 2020, concludes the video work Cloud Studies (2020) by Forensic Architecture. A multidisciplinary research agency, including architects, artists, filmmakers, layers, software developers, and journalists based at Goldsmiths College in London, Forensic Architecture supports human rights groups and other agencies by applying architectural methodologies to investigate ecological and human rights violations (Weizman 2017: 9). Developed for the exhibition Critical Zones: Observatories for Earthly Politics, at ZKM, Center for Art and Media in Karlruhe (23.5.2020Karlruhe (23.5. -8.8.2021, Cloud Studies comprises eight investigations that, as the title suggests, focus on clouds or, more precisely, on toxic cloudswhether those produced by arson, the spread of herbicides, the deployment of chemical