Low back pain is one of the most common ailments encountered by physicians and orthopedic surgeons. There are various modalities used to treat low back pain, including conservative management, and a few of them involve rest, medications, massage, bracing, acupuncture, and physical therapy. Though most of the patients improve with conservative management, the burden of this disease has been very high and caused a significant amount of economic loss. Therefore, in-depth knowledge of all conservative methods is essential for physicians managing low back pain. Furthermore, there can be many causes of low back pain. Some of the more common ones are mechanical back pain due to paraspinal muscles or facetal in origin, discogenic back pain, and sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Many patients, especially the older population, have the discogenic origin as the more common cause of back pain, and traction therapy has been used for its treatment for ages. In this review, we discuss non-surgical spinal decompression/traction therapy popularly known as interferential differential dynamics (IDD) therapy with its current standing and recent advancement.