“…2c) yields E a ¼ 0.64 eV, G 0 ¼ 2.15 Â 10 12 Hz and s 0 ¼ 0.74 ms. With the known value of E a , the thermal quenching temperature T 0.5 was estimated to be $435 K, based on the crude relationship between E a and T 0.5 , i.e., E a ¼ T 0.5 / 680 eV. 25 The value of E a is consistent with those reported earlier, 6,10 and is larger than those determined for other Eu 2+ -doped silicates, for example, Cs 2 MgSi 5 O 12 (0.196 eV), 26 BaMgSi 4 O 10 (0.21 eV), 27 Ba 2 CaMg 2 Si 6 O 17 (0.22 eV), 28 CsAlSi 2 O 6 (0.27 eV), 29 Na 2 Ba 2 Si 2 O 7 (0.34 eV), 30 Sr 2 MgSi 2 O 7 (0.40 eV), 31 and Li 2 Ca 2 Si 2 O 7 (0.51 eV). 32 The activation energy E a is supposed to be the energy required to promote an electron from the lowest vibrational level of the rst 4f 6 5d 1 excited state to the bottom of the host conduction band (CB).…”