The propagations of macro-scale cracks were visualized in Si3N4 and SiC ceramics using a mechano-luminescence (ML) of SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy. The bridging zones behind the crack tip were also clearly detected in the crack path within realistic time frames. The ML made it possible to detect cracks propagating within a speed range of 200 m/s to 250 m/s, thereby realizing so-called quasi-dynamic R-curves. The magnitudes and shapes of the bridging stress distributions were found to change with the advancing cracks, continuing to change as the applied load changes, even after the cessation of crack propagation. The effective toughening then commenced and the applied stress intensity factors increased dramatically up to ~120 MPa in Si3N4 and 150 MPa in SiC. The KTip values expected on the basis of the instantaneous bridging stress distributions obtained from ML observations deviated greatly from those measured using the conventional crack tip lengths; rather, the values support the results obtained by using bridging tips in quasi-dynamic crack propagations.