The photoluminescence ͑PL͒ of poly͑3-octyl-thiophene͒ ͑P3OT͒ thin films applied on TiO 2 substrates is compared to the PL of P3OT films applied on quartz. Quenching of excitons occurs at the P3OT/TiO 2 interface and not at the P3OT/quartz interface. Yet, in the former case the PL intensity is stronger than in the latter. In particular, P3OT films less than 5 nm thick lumines much more when applied on TiO 2 , which is in striking contrast to what one expects. For films thicker than 10 nm, the increase of the PL as function of the film thickness is the same for TiO 2 and for quartz, which indicates that the PL enhancement originates at the interface. The dissociation of excitons at the P3OT/TiO 2 interface yields positive polarons in P3OT, which is not the case at the P3OT/quartz interface. We postulate that interaction between positive polarons and excitons explain the observed enhancement of the PL at the P3OT/TiO 2 interface. © 2004 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.1699447͔The study of photoluminescence ͑PL͒ spectra of conjugated polymers, applied on metal-oxide substrates, is a powerful tool to investigate energy and charge-transfer mechanisms at active and nonactive interfaces. These interfaces are important in polymer solar cells and in polymer lightemitting diodes ͑poly-LEDs͒. In the field of polymer solar cells, charge transfer from the polymer to an electron acceptor, such as a fullerene, CdSe, or TiO 2 , is generally accompanied by quenching of the photoluminescence. 1-3 For polyLEDs the ratio between the electroluminescence and photoluminescence quantum yields is limited to 25% by spin-degeneracy statistics. 4 However, recent studies by Beljonne et al., 5 Ye et al., 6 and references therein, reveal that the singlet/triplet formation ratio can be broken by interchain mechanisms. In that case the 25% rule no longer applies. The observations presented in this letter are in line with these theoretical considerations. While charge carrier generation and transport in polythiophene films have been investigated thoroughly, 7-14 the interaction between positive polarons and excitons has not been taken into account. In the present letter we report on the enhancement of the poly͑3-octyl-thiophene͒ ͑P3OT͒ photoluminescence when applied onto TiO 2 versus when applied onto quartz. In the first case, positive, polarons are generated in P3OT and in the latter case not. Our experimental results strongly suggest that positive polarons can interact with nonemissive excitons to give them more radiative character. Future experiments and theoretical studies are required to elucidate exciton-polaron interactions in more detail.An 80 nm flat film of anatase TiO 2 was deposited on quartz and on SnO 2 :F-coated glass by chemical vapor deposition, using Titanium-Tetra-Iso-Propoxide as precursor ͑Everest Coatings, The Netherlands͒. Prior to application of the polymer film, the TiO 2 film was dried in air for 1 h at 250°C. For some experiments the TiO 2 surface was chemically modified, by soaking the TiO 2 films overn...