Background: In the past years, research on ultraweak photon emission
(UPE) from human body has increased for isolated cells and tissues.
However, there are only limited data on UPE from the whole body, in
particular from the hands. Objective: To describe a protocol for the management
of subjects that (1) avoids interference with light-induced longterm
delayed luminescence, and (2) includes the time slots for recording
photon emission. Material and Methods: The protocol was utilised for
multi-site recording of 4 subjects at different times of the day and different
seasons, and for one subject to complete spectral analysis of emission
from different body locations. An especially selected low-noise
end-window photomultiplier was utilised for the detection of ultraviolet /
visible light (200-650 nm) photon emission. For multi-site recording it
was manipulated in three directions in a darkroom with a very low count
rate. A series of cut-off filters was used for spectral analysis of UPE. 29
body sites were selected such that the distribution in UPE could be studied
as right-left symmetry, dorsal-ventral symmetry, and the ratio between
the central body part and extremities. Results: Generally, the fluctuation
in photon counts over the body was lower in the morning than
in the afternoon. The thorax-abdomen region emitted lowest and most
constantly. The upper extremities and the head region emitted most and
increasingly over the day. Spectral analysis of low, intermediate and
high emission from the superior frontal part of the right leg, the forehead
and the palms in the sensitivity range of the photomultiplier
showed the major spontaneous emission at 470-570 nm. The central
palm area of hand emission showed a larger contribution of the 420-470
nm range in the spectrum of spontaneous emission from the hand in
autumn/winter. The spectrum of delayed luminescence from the hand
showed major emission in the same range as spontaneous emission.
Conclusion: Examples of multi-site UPE recordings and spectral analysis
revealed individual patterns and dynamics of spontaneous UPE over the
body, and spectral differences over the body. The spectral data suggest
that measurements might well provide quantitative data on the individual
pattern of peroxidative and anti-oxidative processes in vivo. We expect
that the measurements provide physiological information that can
be useful in clinical examination.