In the work on the example of barium magnesium fluoride activated by tungsten system the existence of possibility of introduction of activators, modifiers into the formed ceramics are shown. Using unique properties of radiation synthesis of high synthesis rate is happened. The possibility of synthesis of magnesium fluoride activated by tungsten, barium fluoride activated by tungsten and barium magnesium fluoride activated by tungsten ceramics by impact on the charge of a stream of electrons with energy 1.4 MeV with power density 15 kW/cm2 is shown. The X-ray diffraction, photoexcitation and luminescence spectra, integral spectra of pulsed cathodoluminescence and its decay kinetics have shown that during radiation synthesis tungsten centers the crystal lattice of ceramics. The formed volatile compounds of hexafluoride tungsten do not have time to leave the reaction zone during the synthesis. The efficiency of synthesis reaches 99%. Addition of tungsten oxide to the charge in the amount of up to 2% of the total weight does not affect the formation of ceramics