Isochronal annealing of CdS : (31: C1 powders with different copper and chlorine content quenched from various temperatures (150 to 1050 "C), are performed at t,emperatures of 100 to 400 "C, for 0.5 to 10 min. Using the method of intersection of isochronal curves the activation energies of increase and decrease of the photoluminescence emission bands are found. On the basis of Brouwer diagrams, computed for the system under study, the schemes of quasichemical defect forming react,ions in connection with luminescence cent,res formation are determined. The activation energies attributed to these reactions are established. nposeneH E I~O X P O H H~I~% oTHiyIr 3 a~a n e~~b i x OT p a 3 n~w~x TeMnepaTyp (150 DO 1050 "C) I I O~O U I K O B CdS: Cu: C1 c P~~J I E I~H~I M conepma~~eilr M e m i EI xnopa B mrrepsane TeMnenenem.1 3~e p r~1 1 a w m a u m npoueccoB p a 3 r o p a~~n MJIH raweHnn @oTonroMmecueHwm. Baa~pynch Ha paHee pacctImmHofi marpamie Epoyapa nccnenosawrofi cmTeMbi paTyp 100 a0 400 " c IIpOAOJImMTenhHOCThlO OT 0,5 DO 10 min. MeToAoM Ce9eHMfi Onpe-OnpeneJIeHhI CXeMhI KBa3HXEIMEI9eCHMX PeaKuEIfi ne@?IiTOO6pa3OBaHEIH, CBFI3aHHbIX C UeHTpaMEI JIIOMklHeCueHqMll, M npMnMCaHb1 IIM HafiHeHHbIe 3HeprHH aKTEIBaLIMM.