Chemiluminescence (CL) phenomena of carbonates or bicarbonates of potassium, sodium, or ammonium with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of cobalt sulfate were reported. After cobalt(II) solution was injected into the mixture of carbonate/bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide, a CL signal was given out briefly. The CL conditions of these systems were optimized. The CL reaction mechanisms were studied experimentally by examining the spectrum emitted by the CL system and the effect of various free radical scavengers on CL emission intensity. The results showed that the maximal emission wavelengths of the CO 3 2--H 2 O 2 -Co 2+ and HCO 3 --H 2 O 2 -Co 2+ systems were 440 and 490 nm, respectively. As a result, a radical scavenger of ascorbic acid, thiourea, and superoxide dismutase exhibited different effects on these CL systems. The different CL mechanisms involving the carbon dioxide dimer and the oxygen dimer were revealed, respectively.