In this paper, I introduce lumpy micro-level capital adjustment into a sticky information general equilibrium model. Lumpy adjustment arises because of inattentiveness in capital investment decisions instead of the more common assumption of non-convex adjustment costs. The model features inattentiveness as the only source of stickiness. I nd that the model with lumpy investment yields business cycle dynamics which dier substantially from those of an otherwise identical model with frictionless investment and are much more consistent with the empirical evidence. These results therefore strengthen the case in favour of the relevance of microeconomic investment lumpiness for the business cycle.Keywords: sticky information, general equilibrium, lumpy investment, business cycle JEL classication: D83, E10, E22, E32 * This paper is based on a chapter of my PhD dissertation. Part of this paper was written during my traineeship at the ECB's Monetary Policy Strategy Division, whose hospitality I gratefully acknowledge.The rst version of this paper was circulated as CEF.U P Working Paper No 2011-02. I am extremely grateful to Ricardo Reis for his invaluable guidance, to Manuel M. F. Martins for his extensive and critical comments on an earlier draft of this paper which have considerably improved its content and readability, and to Roberta Cardani, Alper Çenesiz, Vasco Gabriel, Basile Grassi, Riccardo Masolo, Alessio Moro, Marcelo Sanchez, Mathias Trabandt, and conference and seminar participants for comments and suggestions. I would also like to thank Professor Ruediger Bachmann for providing the data on quarterly investment rates, Assia Ezzeroug and Maik Wolters for their discussions on the implementation of sticky information models in Dynare. The Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, the IM F S and the CEF.U P provided nancial support. Any errors are my own.