Detailed data on the physiological abilities and habitat requirements of some tuna species have now been collected. Laboratory and field studies show tunas are not strictly prisoners of their own thermoconserving mechanisms, but have rapid and extensive control over the efficacy of their vascular countercurrent heat exchangers. Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) are, therefore, probably not forced out of formerly suitable habitats as they grow because of the potential for overheating, as formerly thought. Because of their thermoregulatory abilities, bigeye tuna (Thunnus obe‐sus) apparently can exploit food resources well below the thermocline by minimizing rates of heat loss when in cold water, and then maximizing rates of heat gain from the environment during brief upward excursions into the warmer mixed layer.
Widely cited estimates of limiting oxygen levels, based on estimated metabolic rates at minimum hydrostatic equilibrium swimming speeds, are not accurate because tunas have exceptionally high oxygen demands even at slow speeds. High metabolic rates, even at slow swimming speeds, most likely result from the high osmoregulatory costs engendered by tunas' large thin gills and/or their other adaptations for achieving exceptionally high maximum metabolic rates. Recent laboratory research and modelling efforts suggest the capacity of tunas' cardiorespiratory systems to deliver oxygen at extraordinarily high rates was evolved to allow rapid recovery from strenuous exercise, rapid digestion, and high rates of gonadal and somatic growth, not high sustained cruising speeds. The rate at which reduced ambient oxygen levels prolong the time required for tunas to recover from strenuous exercise appears to be a good index of habitat suitability, with respect to oxy‐een.