Mechanical ventilation induces lung injury by damaging alveolar epithelial cells (AECs), but the pathogenesis remains unknown. focal adhesion kinase (fAK) is a cytoplasmic protein tyrosine kinasethat is involved in cell growth and intracellular signal transduction pathways. this study explored the potential role of fAK in Aecs during lung injury induced by mechanical ventilation. High-volume mechanical ventilation (HMV) was used to create a mouse lung injury model, which was validated by analysis of lung weight, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and histological investigation. The expression of FAK and Akt in AECs were evaluated. In addition, recombinant FAK was administered to mice via the tail vein, and then the extent of lung injury was assessed. Mouse AECs were cultured in vitro, and FAK expression in cells under stretch was investigated. The effects of FAK on cell proliferation, migration and apoptosis were investigated. the results showed that HMV decreased fAK expression in Aecs of mice, while FAK supplementation attenuated lung injury, reduced protein levels/cell counts in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and decreased histological lung injury and oedema. The protective effect of FAK promoted AEC proliferation and migration and prevented cells from undergoing apoptosis, which restored the integrity of the alveoli through Akt pathway. Therefore, the decrease in FAK expression by HMV is essential for injury to epithelial cells and the disruption of alveolar integrity. fAK supplementation can reduce Aec injury associated with HMV.Ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) is known as acute lung injury induced by mechanical ventilation and is the most common complication of the treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Mechanical ventilation with high tidal volumes increases lung inflation and then produces lung overdistension or barotrauma because the repetitive opening and closing of alveoli at a high pressure creates shear stress and then leads to the impairment of cell adjunction. Moreover, over-pressure stress at the pathological level leads to cell apoptosis, inflammatory response, barrier dysfunction and the decreased synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins through the regulation of gene expression 1 .FAK is a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase, and its gene is highly conserved, with over 90% sequence identity between human (chromosome 8) and mouse (chromosome 15) 2 . Activated FAK forms a complex with Src family kinases and then phosphorylates other proteins to regulate various cell events, such as apoptosis, migration, the immune response, cell differentiation, and cell shape. Multiple downstream signalling pathways of FAK have been identified, including PI3K-Akt-mTOR, ERK1/2, and JNK 3 . Previous studies have revealed that FAK plays an important role in the regulation of AECs. Unfried K et al. suggested that carbon nanoparticles can contribute to the proliferation of lung epithelial cells through the FAK-PI3K-Akt pathway 4 . Ding Q et al. suggested that FAK can inhibit apoptosis and promote the epithelial...