SummaryTo study pulmonary transvascular filtration of fluid and the normal adaptive response of newborn animals to excessive water in the lungs, we measured lung lymph flow, pulmonary vascular pressures, and the concentration of protein in lymph and plasma of nine unanesthetized 1-to Iwk-old lambs, before, during, and after a rapid iv infusion of isotonic saline, 130-250 ml/kg*hr for 3-4 hr. During infusions, lung vascular pressures increased, the transvascular gradient of protein osmotic pressure decreased, and there was a 2-to 5-fold increase of lung lymph flow. When infusions stopped, lymph flow decreased, as the concentration of protein in plasma increased and pulmonary vascular pressures decreased to new steady-state levels. The concentration of protein in lymph did not change for several hours after the infusions. Body weight increased by 28% and extravascular lung water content was 19% above normal after saline; these changes were associated with mild tachypnea, hypercarbia, and hypoxemia. Sections of lung from these lambs had prominent cuffs of fluid surrounding large blood vessels.
SpeculationWe attribute these findings to an efficient network of pulmonary lymphatic channels and a distensible pulmonary perivascular space, or watershed, that accommodates excess lung fluid postnatally until its subsequent drainage by the pulmonary lymphatics and microcirculation, without serious compromise of respiratory gas exchange. It is likely that these same mechanisms pennit gradual removal of residual fetal lung liquid during postnatal pulmonary adaptation. Other developments that should hasten reabsorption of fluid from the lungs after birth are a reduction of pulmonary microvascular pressure, a high concentration of protein in the plasma, and expansion of the pulmonary microcirculation, providing greater surface area for absorption of protein-poor fetal lung liquid.At birth, the lungs must accommodate a 40-5Wo increase in blood volume (28) and a large shift of residual liquid from potential air spaces into the interstitium, as pulmonary gas exchange begins. Few newborn infants fail or require assistance in meeting this challenge, a fact that speaks for an effective postnatal pulmonary plumbing system. Nevertheless, excessive intravascular infusions of fluid in the initial days of life may overload the circulation of some infants and cause pulmonary edema (7).To examine the normal adaptive response of newborn animals to excessive fluid in the lung, we studied the movement of liquid and protein in the lungs of awake lambs during pulmonary edema induced by intravascular fluid overload. Staub (21) showed that steady-state pulmonary lymph flow and the concentration of protein in lymph reflect the net transvascular movement of water 103 and protein in the lung, assuming that the concentration of protein in lymph approximates that in the pulmonary interstitium, as recent studies suggest it does (15, 27).Erdmann et al. (8) showed that elevating pulmonary microvascular pressure in sheep increases filtration of fluid into...