Farming is still one of the most important economic sectors in the world. At the same time, a high prevalence of respiratory diseases in farmers is well known. Among these, allergic and non-allergic asthma, chronic bronchitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis and organic dust toxic syndrome (ODTS) are of uppermost importance. Because of the large variety of agriculture across Europe exposure conditions and risk factors for airway diseases may vary largely. While exposure to organic dusts and irritants are most important in grain and animal production, workers in greenhouses are mainly exposed to pollen, fungi, as well as pesticides. Up to now, the knowledge about the prevalence of respiratory diseases in European farmers working in different agricultural sectors was limited. Furthermore, reliable data on farming characteristics as well as exposure patterns that might prone risk factors for respiratory diseases were missing. Therefore, the European Farmers' Project was initiated. The results of this study are given in the second part of this paper.