We report a systematic study of the transport properties of coupled one-dimensional metallic chains as a function of the number of parallel chains. When the number of parallel chains is less than 2000, the transport properties show power-law behavior on temperature and voltage, characteristic for one-dimensional systems.PACS numbers: 72.15. Nj, 74.78.Na, 71.45.Lr Electron-electron interactions in one-dimensional (1D) metals exhibit dramatically different behavior from three-dimensional metals, in which electrons form a Fermi liquid. Depending on the details of the electronelectron interaction, several phases are possible, such as a Luttinger Liquid (LL) or a 1D Wigner crystal (WC). The tunneling density-of-states (TDOS) of these 1D phases exhibit power-law behavior on the larger one of either eV or k B T [1, 2, 3], with V the voltage and T the temperature.