We analyze a model system of fermions in a harmonic oscillator potential under the influence of a fluctuating force generated by a bath of harmonic oscillators. This represents an extension of the well-known Caldeira-Leggett model to the case of many fermions. Using the method of bosonization, we calculate Green's functions and discuss relaxation and dephasing of a single extra particle added above the Fermi sea. We also extend our analysis to a more generic coupling between system and bath, that results in complete thermalization of the system. PACS numbers: 03.65. Yz, 05.30.Fk, 71.10.Pm The interaction between a system and its environment is an important fundamental issue in quantum mechanics. It is at the basis of relaxation phenomena (like spontaneous emission), is essential for the measurement process, and leads to the destruction of interference effects ("decoherence" or "dephasing"). In the theory of quantum-dissipative systems [1], there are only few exactly solvable models, most notably the Caldeira-Leggett model[2] of a single particle coupled to a bath of harmonic oscillators. This is the simplest possible model in which friction and fluctuations appear. If the particle is free, then this model can be used to study the quantum analogue of Brownian motion. The model remains exactly solvable if the particle moves in a parabolic potential (the damped quantum harmonic oscillator).However, in many solid state applications, we actually consider dephasing of an electron inside a Fermi sea. It is difficult to apply the insights gained from single-particle calculations in such cases, since the Pauli principle may play an important role in relaxation processes. There have been comparatively few detailed studies of quantum-dissipative many-particle systems. Among them we mention a general discussion of dephasing in a Luttinger liquid [3], a study of fermions coupled to independent baths [4], and a formally exact extension of the Feynman-Vernon influence functional to fermions [5]. In other cases, the Pauli principle has been introduced "by hand", by keeping only the thermal part of the bath spectrum [6].In this Letter, we study a natural extension of the Caldeira-Leggett model to a many-fermion case. The model consists of a sea of fermions populating the lower energy levels of a harmonic oscillator. We are interested in the effects that arise when a bath is coupled to this system via a fluctuating spatially homogeneous force. In contrast to an analogous system of free fermions [7], the bath leads to transitions between levels, with strong effects of the Pauli principle. This model might also prove relevant to the discussion of cold fermionic atoms in a 1d harmonic trap [8,9] under the influence of fluctuations of the trapping potential.We rewrite and solve the Hamiltonian using the method of bosonization, for the case of large particle numbers. This enables us to evaluate Green's functions and to describe relaxation and dephasing of an extra particle added above the Fermi sea. Finally, we will extend our mode...