The interaction of angular and linear stimuli produces a complex alignment of spatial orientation and the vestibulo-ocular reflexes (VOR). This phenomenon was studied by measuring three dimensional eye movements in six male squirrel monkeys during centrifugation in the dark. The axis of centrifuge rotation was always aligned with gravity and with the spinal axis of the upright monkeys. The erect monkeys were placed in one of four orientations: 1) facing into the motion; 2) facing away from the motion; 3) facing the center of rotation; 4) facing away from the center of rotation. These different orientations determined the direction of centripetal acceleration with respect to the monkey. Angular velocity trapezoids were utilized as the motion stimuli with a ramp acceleration (and deceleration) of ten degrees per second squared to a constant velocity of 200 degrees per second. This profile provided a final centripetal acceleration of 1 g, which yielded a gravitoinertial force which was tilted 45 degrees with respect to earth vertical and which had a magnitude of 1.4 g.The orientation of centripetal acceleration dramatically altered the VOR by changing the axis of eye rotation, the peak value of slow phase eye velocity, and the time constant of per-rotary decay. The axis of eye rotation always tended to align with gravito-inertial force, the peak value of slow phase eye velocity was greater when the monkey faced the motion than when it faced away from the motion, and the time constant of decay was smaller when the monkey faced the motion than when it faced away from the motion. These findings were statistically significant (p <0.05) and were very consistent across all monkeys.As previous research has indicated, further modeling of the data indicates that the VOR may be separated into two reflexes: a linear reflex and a rotational reflex. The linear reflex decays as the axis of eye rotation aligns with gravito-inertial force (GIF). These results, along with other data in the literature, indicate that gravito-inertial force is resolved into two components; one representing an internal estimate of linear acceleration and one representing an internal estimate of gravity.A "sensory conflict" model of spatial orientation is developed. The model is based upon observer theory, optimal observer theory (Kalman Filtering), and more general nonlinear concepts. The model hypothesizes that the central nervous system of the squirrel monkey "knows" the dynamics of the sensory organs and uses this knowledge to create an internal model of the sensory systems. The internal model receives as input the internal estimate of linear acceleration and angular velocity. The output of the internal model is the expected sensory afference. The expected sensory afference is compared to the actual sensory afference to yield sensory conflict. The sensory conflict information drives the internal estimate of linear acceleration and angular velocity toward the true values. The predictions of the model are compared to results from this thesis a...