This paper presents the 512-bit encryption algorithm based on modified SALSA20 using an 11-dimensional chaotic system used for generating the keys for the proposed encryption algorithm. Chaotic keys are derived from a combination of two systems, one with six dimensions and the other with five. These keys are used in different operations like shifting, Xoring, and encryption steps in the new proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm consists of a combination of two parallel parts: Salsa20 and S boxes with chaos keys. The proposed system takes 512 bits of the plaintext, which will be split into two 256-bit parts, the left part encrypted with modified salas20 and the chaos keys, and the right 256-bit part encrypted using eight 8x8 s-boxes and the chaos keys. The results are swapped and combined, and this operation is repeated for 16 rounds to get the cipher text. The testing of EAMSA 512bit using various tests demonstrates the algorithm's strength and security, as well as its ability to avoid many attacks with lightweight processing