“…Lymphocytic tumors of the conjunctiva are typically small, firm, salmonpink, fleshy, slow-growing, and painless lesions that can be found anywhere in the conjunctiva and that may extend onto the cornea or into the orbit. 6 The conjunctival lesion in our case was a giant papillary reaction of the palpebral conjunctiva. The differential diagnosis for this type of lesion is extensive and includes vernal conjunctivitis, giant papillary conjunctivitis, benign lymphoid hyperplasia, papilloma, amyloidosis, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, trachoma, coccidioidomycosis, parasites, rheumatoid nodule, herpes simplex conjunctivitis, syphilis, Parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome, and ligneous conjunctivitis.…”