5-thyminyl-5,6-dihydrothymine (also called spore photoproduct or SP) is the exclusive DNA photo-damage product in bacterial endospores. It is repaired by a radical SAM (S-adenosylmethionine) enzyme, the spore photoproduct lyase (SPL), at the bacterial early germination phase. Our previous studies proved that SPL utilizes the 5′-dA• generated by SAM cleavage reaction to abstract the H6proR atom to initiate the SP repair process. The resulting thymine allylic radical was suggested to take an H atom from an unknown protein source, most likely the cysteine 141. Here we show that C141 can be readily alkylated in the native SPL by iodoacetamide treatment, suggesting that it is accessible to the TpT radical. SP repair by the SPL C141A mutant yields TpTSO2− and TpT simultaneously from the very beginning of the reaction; no lag phase is observed for the TpTSO2− formation. Should any other protein residue serve as the H donor, its presence would result in TpT as the major product at least for the first enzyme turnover. These observations provide strong evidence to support C141 as the direct H atom donor. Moreover, due to the lack of this intrinsic H donor, the C141A mutant produces TpT via an unprecedented thymine cation radical reduction (proton coupled electron transfer) process, contrasting to the H atom transfer mechanism in the WT SPL reaction. The C141A mutant repairs SP at a rate which is ~3-fold slower than the WT enzyme. Formation of TpTSO2− and TpT exhibit a Vmax deuterium kinetic isotope effect (KIE) of 1.7 ± 0.2 respectively, which is smaller than the DVmax KIE of 2.8 ± 0.3 determined in the WT SPL reaction. These findings suggest that removing the intrinsic H atom donor disturbs the rate-limiting process in the enzyme catalysis. As expected, the pre-reduced C141A mutant only supports ~ 0.4 turnover, which is in sharp contrast to the > 5 turnovers exhibited by the WT SPL reaction, suggesting that the enzyme catalytic cycle (SAM regeneration) is disrupted by this single mutation.