Lysyl-tRNA synthetase from Bacillus stearothermophilus (B.s. LysRS) (EC catalyzes aminoacylation of tRNA Lys with L-lysine, in which L-lysine was first activated with ATP to yield an enzyme (lysyladenylate complex), and then the lysine molecule was transferred from the complex to tRNA Lys . B.s. LysRS is a homodimeric enzyme with a subunit that consists of two domains, an N-terminal tRNA anticodon-binding domain (TAB-ND: Ser 1 -Pro 144 ) and a C-terminal Class IIspecific catalytic domain (CAT-CD: Lys 151 -Lys 493 ). CAT-CD alone retained catalytic activity, although at a low level; TAB-ND alone showed no activity. Size exclusion chromatography revealed that CAT-CD exists as a dimer, whereas TAB-ND was a monomer. The formation of a complex consisting of these domains was detected with the guidance of surface plasmon resonance. In accordance with this, the addition of TAB-ND to CAT-CD significantly enhanced both the L-lysine activation and the tRNA aminoacylation reactions. Kinetic analysis showed that deletion of TAB-ND resulted in a significant destabilization of the transition state of CAT-CD in the L-lysine activation reaction but had little effect on the ground state of substrate binding. A significant role of a cross-subunit interaction in the enzyme between TAB-ND and CAT-CD was proposed for the stabilization of the transition state in the L-lysine activation reaction.
AaRS1 catalyzes the ligation of an amino acid to the cognate tRNA, generally according to the following (Reaction Scheme 1),where AA denotes the amino acid; E, aaRS; PPi, inorganic pyrophosphate; and E⅐AAϳAMP, an aaRS⅐aminoacyladenylate complex. Because the tRNA aminoacylation reaction is critical for the fidelity of translation of genetic information into the structure of a protein, aaRSs must have gained a high degree of substrate specificity for each heterogeneous substrate during evolution. Recent progress in x-ray crystallographic analysis has revealed that aaRSs can be classified into two groups according to their active site topology. Class I aaRSs possess a catalytic core composed of a Rossmann fold, whereas Class II aaRSs possess a catalytic core consisting of antiparallel -sheets (2). AaRSs are considered to have emerged at an early stage in the development of the contemporary system of protein synthesis (3). In addition, it was reported that several isolated catalytic domains of aaRS retained full or part of the amino acid activation activity (4 -8). Together, these results have led to the proposal that the modern aaRS evolved from a primordial ancestor that had either of the two types of the classdefining domains, by getting the idiosyncratic region of each aaRS (3, 9, 10). In fact, the typical insertion in Class I aaRSs of the variable connective polypeptides (11) is responsible for the stabilization of the transition state of methionine activation as well as methionine transfer to the 3Ј end of tRNA in Escherichia coli MetRS (12), and also for the hydrolysis of misacylated Val-tRNA Ile in Thermus thermophilus IleRS (13...