Abstract-This paper considers the use of a multiple ping active sonar approach in order to track multiple targets. In most underwater target tracking applications that rely on active sonar observations, the sonar sends out a single ping at each scan interval and receives returns that might either be from target(s) or due to clutter.We propose to use a multi-ping paradigm, with the idea that the better detectability of more pings can, assuming a high clutter density, lead to better localization of targets. However, this introduces a timing ambiguity in the ping returns adding a new level of complexity in the data association. In this paper we propose a Multi-Ping Data Association (MPDA) algorithm as a solution. MPDA formulates the assignment problem as a linear program, which could then be solved using a primal-dual interior point approach.A comparison is made between three different scenarios: (a) the sonar sends out a single ping in each scan interval; there is no timing ambiguity (which return is due to which ping), (b) the sonar sends out multiple pings within a scan interval and the timing ambiguity is avoided by using orthogonal waveforms for each ping, (c) when the sonar sends out multiple pings, each ping being an identical waveform, within each scan, leading to a timing ambiguity. A well known multiple target tracking technique such as the JPDA is used in cases (a) and (b), while the MPDA algorithm is used to solve the assignment problem in case (c), and is shown to perform better than case (a) in high clutter densities. Case (b), the unrealizable bogey, performs best.