Three methods for two-dimensional correlation nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy at zero field are discussed. All three involve coherence transfer via longitudinal polarization, double quantum coherence, or both in parallel. The double quantum pulse sequences exploit the spinor property of spin states. These sequences have been applied to connected ⌬mϭ1 transitions, as well as for the indirect detection of forbidden or nearly forbidden ⌬mϾ1 transitions. © 1999 American Institute of Physics. ͓S0021-9606͑99͒00331-1͔
INTRODUCTIONDespite their success in high-field nuclear magnetic resonance ͑NMR͒, extension of multidimensional Fourier transform methods to zero-field NMR has been limited. There are several legitimate reasons for this; principally, high-field spectra are often complex, with literally thousands of resonance signals; in such systems, two-dimensional methods are necessary both to increase the resolution and provide spectral assignments. In contrast, zero-field spectra are often very simple, both because of the paucity of chemically distinct species in the material, and because there is usually only a single significant term in the spin Hamiltonian, resulting in a lack of spectral multiplicity.Nonetheless, there are occasions when multidimensional techniques can be usefully applied at zero field. The first such applications [1][2][3] were directed at extracting the asymmetry parameter, ordinarily unavailable for spin 3/2 nuclei at zero field. For spins 5/2 and higher, can be obtained from the ratios of two or more spectral frequencies observable for each species. However, in samples with several distinct quadrupolar species, such as partially deuterated amine and amino acid hydrohalides, 4 connected transitions must be correctly assigned to extract this information. This was the purpose of our original nuclear quadrupolar correlation experiment. 5 Since then, we have also applied the experiment to inhomogeneously broadened systems, since in such systems the quadrupolar frequencies are strongly correlated. The resulting removal of this broadening has allowed us to estimate the hexadecapolar interaction for 127 I In cadmium iodide with high accuracy. 6 Figure 1 correlates the energy levels and transitions for a spin 5/2 nucleus at zero field with the high-field energy levels. At zero field, the high-field eigenstates, labeled by the quantum number m associated with the z component of the angular momentum, become twofold degenerate, with the Ϯm states having the same energy. There are two connected single-quantum transitions at frequencies 1 and 2 and one double-quantum transition at dq ϭ 2 ϩ 1 . For an axially symmetric electric field gradient 2 ϭ2 1 , and the eigenstates are identical to the high-field eigenstates. If the electric field gradient is not axially symmetric, the ratio between the two single-quantum frequencies decreases until it reaches a value of 1 for an asymmetry parameter ϭ(ٌE yy ϪٌE xx )/ٌE zz ϭ1, and concomitantly there is some mixing of the high-field eigenstates, the mϭϮ5/2 state...