Degree one twisting of Deligne cohomology, as a differential refinement of integral cohomology, was established in previous work. Here we consider higher degree twists. The Rham complex, hence de Rham cohomology, admits twists of any odd degree. However, in order to consider twists of integral cohomology we need a periodic version. Combining the periodic versions of both ingredients leads us to introduce a periodic form of Deligne cohomology. We demonstrate that this theory indeed admits a twist by a gerbe of any odd degree. We present the main properties of the new theory and illustrate its use with examples and computations, mainly via a corresponding twisted differential Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence.1 This is sometimes also denoted Z 8 D pnq or Zpnq 8 D . We are in the smooth setting throughout, so we will not need extra decorations. 2 This would be H n pM ; Dpnqq if we use the opposite convention. However, the one we use is positively graded, hence better adapted for stacks.where L is the stackification functor. 11 Let φ : R n Ñ M be a local chart. For a convex open subset U Ă R n , this stack can be evaluated on the corresponding open subset V " φpU q via MappV, B 2 U p1q ∇ q » DK`C 8 pV, U p1qq d log Ý ÝÝ Ñ Ω 1 pV q d ÝÑ Ω 2 pV q˘. More generally, descent for the stack B 2 U p1q ∇ implies that, for any choice of good open cover tU α u of M , the space of maps MappM, B 2 U p1q ∇ q can be identified by replacing M with theČech nerveČptU α uq of tU α u and considering instead the space of maps Map´ČptU α uq, DK`U p1q d logBy the basic properties of the Dold-Kan correspondence we have an isomorphism 12By [Br93, Theorem 5.3.11], the elements on the right parametrize the homotopy classes of the gerbes with connective structure and curving considered in Example 6.11 This is a functor which turns a prestack into a stack, analogously to the way a sheafification functor turns a presheaf into a sheaf. See [Lu09, Sec. 6.5.3] for details. 12 The shift in degree occurs because on the left we consider the complex U p1q d log Ý ÝÝ Ñ Ω 1 d Ý Ý Ñ Ω 2 as being shifted up two degrees relative to the complex appearing on the right. 15