While the initial injection plume at 20°S reached to the upper stratosphere (Carr et al., 2022), Millán et al. (2022), showed that after three months this excess water vapor settled near 20 hPa altitude in a latitude band from 30°S to 5°N. This dispersion of the water vapor in latitude is tracked by Schoeberl et al., 2022 and is generally consistent with climatological expectations. With no major thermodynamic or photochemical sinks, this excess moisture is expected to remain in the stratosphere for two to 3 years. Water vapor is radiatively active in the infrared, contributing to the total radiative cooling in the stratosphere, which is dominated by the effects of carbon dioxide and ozone (e.g., Gille & Lyjak, 1986). These large perturbations in water vapor are expected to increase the amount of radiation lost to space, locally cooling the stratosphere (Schoeberl et al., 2022;Sellitto et al., 2022). This study attempts to quantify this impact on the temperature, as well as the subsequent changes to the stratospheric circulation, during the first 6 months after the eruption.The Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2) reanalysis (Gelaro et al., 2017) provides the circulation fields (temperatures and winds) for this study. While MERRA-2 assimilates a number of in situ and space-borne observations that constrain tropospheric moisture, stratospheric water vapor observations are not assimilated. Stratospheric moisture is closely constrained to monthly climatologies imposed by a relaxation constraint in the MERRA-2 model component, so that it does not respond to the volcanic