The purpose of this study is to construct an interpretation of the tax compliance of taxpayers participating in the Indonesian government's tax amnesty. This research is qualitative in nature, in accordance with Latif's thoughts on the historicity, rationality, and actuality of Pancasila (Indonesia's five pillars of the nation). This idea is considered appropriate to be used to construct the basis of tax policy founded on the ideology of Pancasila. The results reveal that the taxpayers' initial view on tax compliance is based on an assumption of 'homo economicus' (economic man), which prioritises individualism, materialism, rationalism, and atheism. The constructed interpretation of tax compliance is centralised on religiosity, humanity, and 'gotong royong' (mutual cooperation) in order to realise the embodiment of social justice. The basic assumption for the interpretation of tax compliance is socio-religious, being a reflection of the Indonesian human character.