With the increasing reliance on web-based applications and services, network intrusion detection has become a critical aspect of maintaining the security and integrity of computer networks. This study empirically investigates internet protocol network intrusion detection using two machine learning techniques: Isolation Forest (IF) and One-Class Support Vector Machines (OC-SVM), combined with ANOVA F-test feature selection. This paper presents an empirical study comparing the effectiveness of two machine learning algorithms, Isolation Forest (IF) and One-Class Support Vector Machines (OC-SVM), with ANOVA F-test feature selection in detecting network intrusions using web services. The study used the NSL-KDD dataset, encompassing hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP), and file transfer protocol (FTP) web services attacks and normal traffic patterns, to comprehensively evaluate the algorithms. The performance of the algorithms is evaluated based on several metrics, such as the F1-score, detection rate (recall), precision, false alarm rate (FAR), and Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUCROC) curve. Additionally, the study investigates the impact of different hyperparameters on the performance of both algorithms. Our empirical results demonstrate that while both IF and OC-SVM exhibit high efficacy in detecting network intrusion attacks using web services of type HTTP, SMTP, and FTP, the One-Class Support Vector Machines outperform the Isolation Forest in terms of F1-score (SMTP), detection rate(HTTP, SMTP, and FTP), AUCROC, and a consistent low false alarm rate (HTTP). We used the t-test to determine that OCSVM statistically outperforms IF on DR and FAR.