The main theme of this paper is the automatic recognition of Arabic printed text using machine learning C4.5. The technique can be divided into three major steps: The first step is pre-processing in which the original image is transformed into a binary image utilizing a 300 dpi scanner and then forming the connected component. At the moment we extract seven types of global features: number of subwords, number of peaks of each subwords, number of loops of each peak, number and position of complementary characters,. Second, global features of the input Arabic word are then extracted such as number subwords, number of peaks within the subword, number of loops of each peak, number the height and width of each peak and position of the complementary character, etc .. Finally, Machine learning C4.) is used for character classification to generate a decision tree.The system was tested with a set of 500 different classes of Arabic words (each class has fifteen different fonts) using Cross validation algorithm and the average recognition rate obtained was 96.52%. This is a very promising result and clearly shows that machine learning techniques are well suited to these types of application.Many papers have been concerned with the recognition of Latin, Chinese and Japanese characters. However, although almost a third of a billion people worldwide, in several different languages, use Arabic characters for writing, little research progress, in both on-line and off-line has been achieved towards the automatic recognition of Arabic characters. This is a result of the lack of adequate support in term of funding, and other utilities such as Arabic text database, dictionaries, etc .. and of course of the cursive nature of its writing rules. Surveys on Arabic characters recognition can be found in [8][9][10][11].This work describes the design and implementation of a new technique to recognize Arabic words. To recognize an input word, the system does not segment the word in advance S. Singh (ed.), International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition